A short description of LEBANON

The area of Lebanon is 10 452 km. The capital is Beirut. There are 4.5 million inhabitant.People speak french as well as arabic in Lebanon. There are many beautiful mountains, river, streams,waterfalls and forests.
Lebanon has a lovely view from the mountains. The weather is one of the best things in Lebanon, it is very warm in summer and the moste of the tourists went to Lebanon for the beaches.You can see a lot of ancient buildings, mosques, churches, castles, museums, pubs,restaurants and parks.
You can also go to Baalbek( who is the one of the worlds oldest cities), and look at the ruins.Lebanon is a very beautiful contry and if you have a chance to visit it, you well love it. Thereare lot of beautiful plasces tha you can go to and I strongly recommend this places to spend a beautiful holiday for tourists.

if yow want see more abut lebanon you can click herelebanonliks

Lebanese Universities and Other Related Links:

American University of Beirut
Lebanese American University
Université Libanaise
The University of Balamand
The Embassy Of Lebanon

Lebanon`s Media:

ArabCo Inc. For All your needs
CNN Middle East News !!
LBCI (LBC in Lebanon!)
LBC Sat. (LBS Satalite)
MTV (Murr TV in Lebanon!)
FTV (Future TV in Lebanon!)
TL (TeleLiban TV in Lebanon!)
METV (Middle Eastern TV!)
DailyStar Newspaper (in Lebanon)
Al Nahar Newspaper (in Lebanon)
As Safir Newspaper (in Lebanon)
Al Anwar Newspaper (in Lebanon)
LibanCom ( MP3's in this site)
Data Management (Leb ISP)
NetHopper (Leb ISP)
Cyberia (Leb ISP)
Destination (Leb ISP)
BigNet (Leb ISP)
Lebanon Tourism!!
Lebanon's Virtual Mall
Lebanon Info. and Servers
Lebanon The Rising Star!!

Syrian Links:

CIA World Factbook About Syria
Syria Glossary Links and Much more
Syria's Schools
Syrian Info. Tourisim, Educational services and more!!
Good Syrian Insite
Syrian Telecomunication
Ministry of Tourisim -Syria
Syria Times

Jordan Links:

Jordan Times (Newspaper)
Jordan National Information System
The Offical Jordan Grand Prix
Jordan's Embassy and Information Bureau
Jordan History, Culture and more!
List of Jordan's Schools
Jordan Online
Jordan -A Country Study
Jordan Statues, work of art

Entertainment and Appetizers:

ArabCo PostCards!
AngelWinks Free Post Card Shope!!
Free Voice Chat
Free Internet Bouquet Dilivery covering all Lebanese territory!!
Listen to Arabic Music!!
Rabih El-Khawli's Page
MP3 (Harmony's room)
Aboul_Abed Jokes!!
Hungry?? Check this out!!
Send Flowers!!

Irc Server Links:

ArabCo IRC Network
DALnet Homepage
MadLeb's Sovereign Realm
Channel Lebanon (mIRC)
Channel Syria (mIRC)
Channel AngelWinks (mIRC)
Channel Angels (mIRC)
Channel ArabianHorses (mIRC)

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