My country , my country

My country , the land of my grand fathers

My country , my country

My country , my nation , the nation of eternity

With my determine , my fire and the volcano of my revenge

The longing of my blood to my land and home

I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars

I have conquered the impossible , and crossed the boarders

My country , my country , the nation of eternity

With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the guns

And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle

Palestine is my home , Palestine is my fire , Palestine is my revenge

and the land of eternal

My country , my country , the nation of eternity

I swear under the shade of the flag

To my land and nation , and the fire of pain

I will live as a guerrilla , I will go on as guerrilla ,

I will expire as guerrilla until I will be back

My country , my country , the nation of eternity

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